In this tutorial I will show you how to install specific version of terraform on Mac with brew. There are times when we need to use specific version of terraform on Mac and it’s not easy to install it. So I am going to show you how you can achieve it.
You might also like: How to install Terraform on macOS Big Sur with Homebrew
Install Terraform on Mac with brew
Let’s see which terraform is currently installed.
~ terraform -version
Terraform v0.14.8
Your version of Terraform is out of date! The latest version
is 1.0.0. You can update by downloading from
So I have installed terraform version 0.14.8. So, let’s try to install version 0.12.3.
Note: Warning: [email protected] has been deprecated because it is not supported upstream!
~ brew install [email protected]
~ echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/[email protected]/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
~ terraform -version
Terraform v0.12.31
Better way of switch terraform version
There is a better way to switch terraform version instead of doing it manually or relinking it.
Install tfenv with brew
We are going to use tfenv to switch terraform version. tfenv makes it easier to switch to different terraform versions.
Note: Please `brew unlink terraform` before continuing.
~ brew install tfenv
~ tfenv --version
tfenv 2.2.2
Install specific version of terraform mac
tfenv install 0.14.3
~ tfenv list
No default set. Set with 'tfenv use <version>'
As the not says you have to set the default version.
~ tfenv use 1.0.0
Switching default version to v1.0.0
Switching completed
Note: If you see the oldest version installed with brew then you need to uninstall it. You can uninstall using for example brew uninstall [email protected]
Check terraform version
Now let’s check terraform version.
~ terraform -version
Terraform v1.0.0
on darwin_amd64
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