
How to install LiteLLM using helm on Kubernetes

In this article, I will show you how to install LiteLLM using the Helm chart.

install LiteLLM using helm

Step 1: Set Up Helm

Ensure that Helm is installed on your local machine. If you haven’t done so, refer to the installation instructions on the official Helm website.

Step 2: Add the Helm Repository

Add the GitHub repository with the LiteLLM Helm charts to your Helm repositories:

Step 3: Update Your Helm Repositories

After adding the repository, update your local Helm chart repository cache:

Step 4: Install LiteLLM using Helm

The following command will install LiteLLM for you. Depending on your needs, you can customize the namespace and release name:

Optional: Custom Values

Create values.yaml file with your desired configurations if you need to customize the installation (e.g., setting environment variables, and resource limits). During installation, you can use this file:

# values.yaml
replicaCount: 1
tag: main
type: LoadBalancer
port: 8000

Then run the install command with your custom values:

helm install litellm litellm/litellm --namespace <your-namespace> --create-namespace -f values.yaml

Step 5: Verify Installation

To check if LiteLLM is running correctly, list all pods in your specified namespace:

kubectl get pods -n <your-namespace>

You should see a pod named something like litellm-<random-suffix>.

Step 6: Access LiteLLM

If you set the service type to LoadBalancer, you can get the external IP address with:

kubectl get svc -n <your-namespace>

Access LiteLLM via http://<external-ip>:8000.

Following the above steps you can install litellm using Helm.

How to install LiteLLM using helm on Kubernetes
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How to install LiteLLM using helm on Kubernetes
How to install LiteLLM using helm on Kubernetes LVM I will show you how to install LiteLLM using the Helm chart in this article.Step 1: Set Up ...
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