How to copy Docker image to another host..?

Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. Docker is designed to deliver your applications faster. With Docker you can separate your applications from your infrastructure and treat your infrastructure like a managed application. Docker helps you ship code faster, test faster, deploy faster, and shorten the cycle between writing code and running code.
Docker does this by combining kernel containerization features with workflows and tooling that help you manage and deploy your applications.
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Docker Basic Commands
How to install docker on Centos 7..??
Saving images as tar archive
docker save -o /tmp/centos.tar centos
The above command will make a tar archive in /tmp directory from centos image. You can now move or copy this image to any other host and run it.
Now you can copy this tar archive to other host via scp or any other way as you like.
Load image on other host
Now we are on other host so we will now load the tar archive and we will get that image in this host. Let’s see how we can do this:
docker load -i centos.tar
Now we can check by running following command
docker images
Also see:
How to install docker 1.12 on centos